In today's battle for business supremacy it's good to know, that out there, somewhere, there is someone with the knowledge and experience to champion your business to the corporate ranking for which you strive.
The AD Man is that someone!
Teaming up with a chosen few legends of advertising and marketing, nothing now stands in the way of your global success.
Take a moment to peruse this website. Gaze upon the layouts, browse the galleries and marvel at his incredible history. Then, when you're done, shine a sign into the night sky and he will hastily come to your aid.

He is Rob Stephenson
Creative, Intelligent, Trustworthy, Diligent, Handsome and above all ... Modest!
Having spent over 25 years, so far, in Advertising and graphic design there are few people around with this depth of knowledge and experience!
He is a force to be reckoned with.
A man of many talents.
A man willing to put his body on the line in the heat of corporate battles.
A man on a mission to make your business world a better place.
A man you can trust to come through no matter what the odds.
A man willing to go beyond the call of duty.
A man of steel.
A man who knows no fear.
A man not afraid to embellish with countless 'a man' cliches!
And a man 100 percent committed to making sure your marketing and advertising stands out and gets results!

Why wouldn't you call upon a man with a history that reads like a who's who of AD-land?
There Is no substitute for experience!
I don't like to name drop, but...look at the history!
Saatchi & Saatchi, Mattingly & Partners, Clemenger, Ogilvy & Mather, DDB and Mojo Partners!
PLUS! He's collected numerous accolades and graduated in the top 5 out of 120 at AWARD School!
It looks like The AD Man has worked for some of the biggest names in global marketing!

It’s quite simple really!
With so much industry experience it's all just second nature!
By night, just like any other superhero, dressed in a specially designed bullet proof body suit with purple cape and knee high boots, he endeavours to keep the streets of our fair city safe! But by day he transforms into the true guardian of design, advertising and marketing you know so well!
Is there no end to this man's talents?!

Truck Loads! More than you can ever imagine!
In the time there is left between bringing justice to the streets and saving small animals from almost certain death, The Ad Man
has achieved many great things.
Click on the 'what' link above to view galleries that show just a small sample of the plethora of great communication pieces delivered to his clients over the last two and a half decades!
Jump to the Portfolio page and quickly find out more!
Galleries include: Print Advertising, Logos, Photography, Image Manipulation, Direct Marketing and more!

When he's not downtown saving clients from corporate disaster, The AD Man is toiling away, creating masterful communications!
Contact him now to see more impressive samples of his work and to discuss how he can assist you in your business endeavours!
Simply fill in the contact form and he'll reply via that new fangled technology known as electronic mail, or by way of a modern hand held telephonic communications device!
AKA a mobile phone!

Multi International Award Winner - The AD Man
During his time in the advertising industry, while creating incredible marketing communications, The AD Man's talents have been rewarded and awarded many times over.
From top awards and finalists in internationally recognised advertising award forums, to high accolades and awards in local industry institutions he has achieved great success.
Most notably during his time in direct marketing, where he was awarded many times in EFFECTIVENESS categories.
For The AD Man it's about accountability as much as it is about creating impactful communications.
Here's a short-list of his achievements so far.
1 - Gold Mobius - Chicago
3 - Silver ADMA awards
1 - Bronze ADMA award
5 - Finalists in ADMA awards (additional to awards)
1 - Silver BAD Club
2 - Bronze BAD Club
1 - Finalist New York Festivals
2 - Finalists New York Globals